Template7 Mobile-first JavaScript Template Engine
Template7 移动优先的额模板引擎
因为是开发Swiper滑动插件的那个公司开发的,在javascript 周刊中推荐到了,所以看了看。
Download and install Template7
- 可以从Github仓库下载Template7
- 也可以通过Bower安装,命令为
$ bower install template7
在下载的/安装的 包中我们需要 dist/folder文件夹下的 Javascript文件(.js)
并将需要的脚本引入到我们的 HTML 文件中:
<script src="path/to/template7.min.js"></script>
Template7 模板看起来像Handlebars模板,它是常规的HTML但嵌套了handlebars表达式:
<div class="list-block">
<li class="item-content">
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title"></div>
Expressions syntax
- `` - 普通变量.在当前上下文打印”title”变量值
- `` - 普通变量.在父上下文中打印”title”变量值
- `` - 普通变量.在父上下文的父上下文中打印”title”变量值
- `` - 普通变量.打印等于当前上下文的变量
- `` - 普通变量.打印当前上下文中的”person”变量的”name”属性值
- `` - 普通变量.同样但是上下文是父上下文
- `` - 连接到额外的数据变量.这类数据变量可以在helpers中使用
Block expressions:
`` - 开始块表达式
`` - 开始 “对立” 的块表达式 (如果支持)
`` - 结束块表达式
`` - 开始块表达式 通过传递
Helpers 能够作为普通表达式和块表达式:
- `` - 在当前上下文执行 “join” helper并传递 “myArray” 参数和
delimiter:', '
Compilation and Rendering
Template7 是一个全局的 Window 函数
首先我们需要传递string 模板,例如,我们保存在script标签下:
<script id="template" type="text/template7">
<p>Hello, my name is </p>
var template = $$('#template').html();
// compile it with Template7
var compiledTemplate = Template7.compile(template);
// Now we may render our compiled template by passing required context
var context = {
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe'
var html = compiledTemplate(context);
<p>Hello, my name is John Doe</p>
Built-In Helpers
Template7 Helpers 像是 传递上下文中的预定义函数.
`` 是一个块级表达式,可以遍历数组或者对象属性来遍历items.
下边附加的变量在 helper 中可用:
- item 的键值,只在数组中。 -
- 数组的第一个元素,只在数组中。 -
- 数组的最后一个元素,只在数组中。 -
- 当前对象的属性名称,只在对象中。
Template -> | Context -> | Output |
Iterate through Array items | ||
``` Here are the list of people i know: ``` ``` |
```{ people : [ { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' }, { firstName: 'Mark', lastName: 'Johnson' }, ] }``` |
``` Here are the list of people i know: ``` ```
``` Here are the list of people i know:
```{ people : ['John Doe', 'Mark Johnson'] } ``` |
``` Here are the list of people i know:
Iterate through Object properties | ||
``` Car properties:
``` { props: { power: '150 hp', speed: '200 km/h', } }``` |
``` Car properties:
expression. | ||
``` Car properties:
```{ props: { power: '150 hp', speed: '200 km/h', } }``` |
``` Car properties:
``` Car properties:
```{}``` |
``` Car properties:
helper 当传递的上下文非 “false”(或”undefined”或”null”或”“或”0”)是渲染内容,其他情况它渲染相反的内容,通过可选的传递到 中的表达式:
Template -> | Context -> | Output |
`````` | ```{ active: true, title: 'Link', }``` | ```Link``` |
expression. | ||
``` Hello, my name is . I have hobby I don't have hobby ``` |
```{ name: 'John Doe', hobby: false }``` |
``` Hello, my name is John Doe. I don't have hobby ``` |
helper 渲染内容当传递的上下文是 “false” (or “undefined” or “null” or “” or “0”) , 其他情况下它渲染可选的传递到中的表达式:
Template -> | Context -> | Output |
Car has power and maximum speed ``` |
```{ props: { power: '150 hp', speed: '200 km/h', } }``` |
``` Car has 150 hp power and 200 km/h maximum speed ``` |
当你在表达式上下文中传递块表达式,如果上下文是Array 它将像 一样工作,如果是Object 它将像一样工作:
Template -> | Context -> | Output |
```{ people: [ { name: 'John Doe', age: 18 }, { name: 'Mark Johnson', age: 21 } ] }``` |
Car has power and maximum speed ``` |
``` { props: { power: '150 hp', speed: '200 km/h', } }``` |
``` Car has 150 hp power and 200 km/h maximum speed ``` |
这个helper 会将使用传递的符号将Array连接为字符串
Template -> | Context -> | Output |
```"" TV ShowWas released in year Genres: ``` |
```{ title: 'Friends', year: 2001, genres: ['comedy', 'drama'] }``` |
```"Friends" TV ShowWas released in year 2001 Genres: comedy, drama ``` |
该helper返回转译后的HTML 字符串.它只转译以下字符 : ` < > “ & `
Template -> | Context -> | Output | |||||||||||||||||||||
``` ``` |
title: 'Paragraphs',
body: 'We need to use tags to add paragraphs in HTML', }``` </td> |
```ParagraphsWe need to use <p> tags to add paragraphs in HTML ``` |
这个行内 helper 允许执行一些简单的Javascript在模板中修改/检查 上下文:
Template -> | Context -> | Output |
Price: $ ``` |
```{ title: 'iPhone 6 Plus', price: 1000, inStock: true }``` |
```iPhone 6 PlusPrice: $1200 In stock ``` |
Template -> | Context -> | Output |
Price: $ Not in stockIn stock ``` |
```{ title: 'iPhone 6 Plus', price: 1000, inStock: true }``` |
```iPhone 6 PlusPrice: $1000 Not in stock ``` |
A equals to BA not equal to B ``` |
```{ a: 5, b: 34 }``` |
``` A not equal to B ``` |
Template -> | Context -> | Output |
``` |
```{ links: [ { url: 'http://google.com', title: 'Google' }, { url: 'http://idangero.us', title: 'iDangero.us' }, ] }``` | ``` ``` |
Hello, . Your email is
### Access To Root Context 有些时候我们需要连接到传递给模板的根上下文. 这时候我们需要使用``变量。 当我们深入多层上下文时很有用: { persons: [ { name: 'John', hobby: ['Cars', 'Food'] }, { name: 'Kyle', hobby: ['Travel', 'Puzzles'] }, ], showHobby: true }Hobby:
John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor
Jane Doe
Donec sodales euismod augue
Mike Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor
Kate Doe
Donec sodales euismod augue